Helping a fellow veteran accused of murder, Van Shaw is drawn into a dangerous labyrinth involvin...
When an old crony of Van Shaw’s late grandfather calls in a favor, the recently discharged Ranger...
If my grandfather's letter had stopped at the comma, I would have tossed it in the trash... I wou...
The third book in the series featuring former Army Ranger Van Shaw, this is a thrilling heist-gon...
When an old crony of Van Shaw's late grandfather calls in a favor, he embarks on a journey deep i...
Shot through with the energy and imagery of its spectacular setting, Mercy River is the latest in...
Kitap karanlik bir gizem, heyecandan yerinizden hoplatacak bir bilmece, yoldaslarin aksiyon dolu ...
'Atmospheric and taut, A Dangerous Breed is a winner.' ? Allison Brennan, New York Times bestsell...
Van Shaw was raised by his Irish immigrant grandfather Donovan to be a thief?to boost cars, beat ...
Helping a fellow veteran accused of murder, former Army Ranger, Van Shaw is drawn into a dangerou...
?Hamilton has never been better.? ?Publishers Weekly (starred review)