Chemical Drug Design provides a compact overview on recent advances in this rapidly developing fi...
High temperature oxidation & hot corrosion causes degradation of materials in power plant boilers...
Jeta kniga podrobno rasskazywaet o powyshenii proizwoditel'nosti i kachestwa obrabotannyh detalej...
W ksi¿¿ce szczegó¿owo omówiono zagadnienia zwi¿zane z podnoszeniem wydajno¿ci i jako¿ci obrabiany...
This book discusses all major topics on survey sampling and estimation. It covers traditional as ...
This book give the details about the Supply chain risks, vulnerabilities, complexity and uncertai...
Soybean rust and yellow mosaic diseases substantially reduce the yield. A Disease resistant varie...
Questo libro tratta in dettaglio l'aumento della produttività e la qualità delle parti lavorate s...
Dieses Buch befasst sich ausführlich mit der Steigerung der Produktivität und der Qualität der be...
This book detail about the increasing the productivity and the quality of the machined parts are ...
Ce livre détaille l'augmentation de la productivité et de la qualité des pièces usinées qui sont ...
Este livro detalha sobre o aumento da produtividade e da qualidade das peças usinadas são os prin...