This book presents the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent ...
Intelligent tutoring and high school mathematics.- Generality watching: ITS caught between scienc...
ITS 2000 is the fifth international conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The preceding con...
Der Markt für kohlensäurehaltige Getränke ist einer der am stärksten umkämpften Märkte der Lebens...
Rynok bezalkogol'nyh napitkow - odin iz samyh konkurentnyh w pischewoj promyshlennosti Kameruna. ...
Le marché des boissons gazeuses est l'un des plus compétitifs de l'industrie alimentaire au Camer...
The soft drinks market is one of the most competitive in Cameroon's food industry. Long a duopoly...
O mercado dos refrigerantes é um dos mais competitivos da indústria alimentar dos Camarões. Duran...
El mercado de los refrescos es uno de los más competitivos de la industria alimentaria camerunesa...
Il mercato delle bevande analcoliche è uno dei più competitivi dell'industria alimentare camerune...