In 'Imbroglio,' which begins Part Three (Dolce Vita) of the Morning of the Mogul serialised novel...
Contributions of the Report: The report provides a comprehensive understanding of the complexitie...
'The Sabotage' comprehensively examines the geopolitical competition between China and the United...
The book highlights the evolution of the defence industry in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) s...
Contributions of the book:The book explores the complexities of the digital era and provides insi...
'Oceanic Oases Under Threat,' is a comprehensive analysis of the impact of climate change on vari...
'Resistance As Idea And Action: The Epic Struggle Against Oppression and Tyranny Throughout Histo...
The Vietnam War had a significant impact on international relations, sparking a global anti-war m...
'La Résistance française contre l'occupation nazie' est une exploration profonde de la résilience...
In the collection 'Geopolitics' published by London-based Global East-West, a new volume is publi...
The Gulf ideological system is a set of interconnected beliefs and principles governing the regio...
'Navigating Turbulence: Conflict Resolution Initiatives in the Gulf and Beyond' delves into the c...