This volume brings together a group of most highly acclaimed Canadian writers and distinguished i...
In his 2018 Pratt Lecture, The Quest for a 'National' Nationalism, renowned author and critic Geo...
Canticles is a lyric-styled epic. Testament II issues re-readings?revisions, rewrites?of scriptur...
Directions Home explores the trajectories and tendencies of African-Canadian literature within th...
Chronicles a love affair between a man and a woman of different complexions, cultures, continents...
The second part of Book I of 'The Canticles' continues the dialogue -- as dramatic monologues -- ...
Governor General's Award-winning author George Elliott Clarke identifies African-Canadian literat...
A critical look at PEI writer J. J. Steinfeld's extensive and prolific writings in poetry, fictio...
A vibrant, revealing memoir about the cultural and familial pressures that shaped George Elliott ...
The debut collection of children's poetry from renowned poet and playwright George Elliott Clarke...
Book I of ?The Canticles? puts into dialogue ? as dramatic monologues ? those who fostered the tr...
From Toronto's poet laureate (2012-15) comes a new book that is a tour de force in confessional v...