The book focuses on the integration of intelligent communication systems, control systems, and de...
The Kumaun Himalaya situated in Western Himalaya is well known for its plant wealth including lic...
Stimulants (also referred to as psychostimulants) are psychoactive drugs that induce temporary im...
Kanpur district has a number of botanically interesting regions which harbour a flora and fauna q...
Aphthous ulcer is a little excruciating ulcer in the mouth, around 2 to 5 mm in measurement. It o...
Ein aphthöses Ulkus ist ein kleines quälendes Geschwür im Mund, das etwa 2 bis 5 mm groß ist. Nor...
L'ulcera aftosa è una piccola ulcera lancinante in bocca, di circa 2-5 mm di misura. Di solito ri...
Ulcera aftosa é uma pequena úlcera excruciante na boca, cerca de 2 a 5 mm em medida. Normalmente ...
L'ulcère aphteux est un petit ulcère atroce dans la bouche, d'environ 2 à 5 mm de diamètre. Il pe...
Aphthous ulcer is een kleine ondraaglijke zweer in de mond, ongeveer 2 tot 5 mm in de meting. Het...
Aftyjski wrzód jest mäym wrzodem w ustach, oko¿o 2 do 5 mm w pomiarze. Zwykle utrzymuje si¿ przez...
La úlcera aftosa es una úlcera un poco insoportable en la boca, de unos 2 a 5 mm de medida. Norma...