Este livro reexamina a hospitalidade de Cristo a partir de uma perspectiva africana. Expõe a prem...
Beyond Efficiency in Leadership sets out to address the question: Can Teacher Leadership move bey...
Verantwortliche Kirchenführer in Afrika: Die Stichprobe von ZK Matthews, David Gitari, Jesse Muga...
Hospitalidade africana de uma perspectiva missiológica: ajudando a igreja e o crescimento da soci...
Die Geburtswehen im afrikanischen Christentum: Essays zum Gedenken an die hundertjährige anglikan...
Pedagogy of the Teaching Profession: Introducing the New Skills Movement, is an authoritative boo...
This book re-examines Christ's hospitality from an African perspective. It sets out on the premis...
Simplified Sociology For Beginners: Equip Yourself With Some Common Terms in Sociology, provides ...
This book is a revision of the author's second doctoral degree (in History) which was awarded in ...
Simplified Psychology for Beginners: Equip Yourself with Some Common Terms in Psychology: is an i...
This is an introductory course book for beginners in the study of comparative religions. It takes...
In diesem Buch wird die Gastfreundschaft Christi aus einer afrikanischen Perspektive neu untersuc...