Gary Saul Morson brings to life the intense intellectual debates shaping two centuries of Russian...
Gary Saul Morson brings to life the intense intellectual debates shaping two centuries of Russian...
This far-ranging study develops Morson's concept of 'prosaics,' which stresses the importance of ...
In Minds Wide Shut, Morson and Schapiro examine how rigid adherence to ideological thinking has a...
Publication of this exacting new translation of Tolstoy's great Anna signifies a literary event o...
Hidden in Plain View: Narrative and Creative Potentials in 'War and Peace'
Leading specialists from diverse fields project developments in their areas of expertise, from re...
In Cents and Sensibility, an eminent literary critic and a leading economist make the case that t...
'Will remain the standard scholarly reference in English for years.'--'Philosophy and Literature'
Develops the concept of ''prosaics'', which stresses the importance of ordinary events and the no...
For decades, the formal peculiarities of War and Peace disturbed Russian and Western critics, who...
The essays in Rethinking Bakhtin: Extensions and Challenges extend Bakhtin's concepts in importan...