Written by Gary Lachman, who, as Gary Valentine, was an original member of Blondie, this fold-out...
Although he is often called the 'founding father of the New Age,' Carl Jung, the legendary Swiss ...
Within the concentric circles of Trump's regime lies an unseen culture of occultists, power-seeke...
A thoughtful biography of one of the most polarizing pioneers of alternative spirituality, the oc...
It is difficult to imagine modern Western alternative spirituality without the influence of Swedi...
The first truly popular biography of the influential twentieth-century mystic and educator who-wh...
The art of building and maintaining friendships is dynamic, especially when thirty-five years, th...
Explorers of occult mysteries and the edges of consciousness change the way we view not only the ...
An important and radical book which asks, 'why are we here?'
In this brief introduction, Gary Lachman gives an accessible overview of the many fascinating way...
Celebrates the influence of occult thought and sensibility on some of the great poets and writers...
Imagination is a core aspect of being human. Our imagination allows us to fully experience oursel...