Presents a series of perspectives that evaluate the merits of and potential for establishing inst...
In this book the author examines the problems encountered in negotiations among claimants and the...
Include papers that represent some of the leading work on intellectual property and address the q...
Contains some of the research on university-based technology transfer, intellectual property issu...
Presents studies on entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth. This work looks at reinvent...
This volume, comprised of authors from the U.S., Canada, Africa, and Europe, centers on the devel...
Part of a series of studies on entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth. This work looks ...
Environmental Markets explains the prospects of using markets to improve environmental quality an...
This volume addresses the challenges that can arise when individuals from technical, business, an...
Part of a series on research in community and mental health.
Includes a series of papers which examine the contributions of entrepreneurship education on the ...