This collection of dramatic entertainments brings together innovative plays from six authors, all...
The Fabulous Op is a vibrant, collaborative poem born from a unique experiment: the authors invit...
A middle-aged Jewish man who fantasizes about being a cowboy goes on an eccentric quest across Eu...
Poetry. Sometimes language, thoughts, and emotions are a fixed structure like a warehouse. Someti...
Alex Issacson's life has never been normal. His mother got into bed the day his father left, and ...
A follow-up to his acclaimed The Porcupinity of the Stars, Moon Baboon Canoe is filled with Gary ...
Shortlisted for the Scotiabank Giller Prize and nominated for the Governor-General's Award for Li...
In this much-anticipated new collection, poet and musician Gary Barwin both continues and extends...
In 'Outside the Hat' lies a landscape of CanaDada and SurRielism, populated by dancing medieval w...
Sonosyntactics introduces the reader to Paul Dutton's poetry, ranging from lyrics, prose poems, a...
The surrealist antics of Gary Barwin will run the predictability of your universe through a parti...