Mosquito borne diseases are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Personal protective me...
The present investigation was undertaken to study the bioecology and development of preventive an...
Grundlegendes Wissen über die Faktoren, die an den Verfahrensunfällen beteiligt sind, ist für der...
The work has been performed by developing a model potential which includes effects due to covalen...
At the start of the Second World War Britain was at the height of her imperial power, and it is n...
Basic knowledge of the factors involved in the procedural accidents is indispensable for their pr...
Une connaissance de base des facteurs impliqués dans les accidents de procédure est indispensable...
La conoscenza di base dei fattori coinvolti negli incidenti procedurali è indispensabile per la l...
O conhecimento básico dos fatores envolvidos nos acidentes processuais é indispensável para sua p...
Podstawowa wiedza na temat czynników wp¿ywaj¿cych na wypadki proceduralne jest niezb¿dna do zapob...
Basiskennis van de factoren die een rol spelen bij de procedure-ongevallen is onontbeerlijk voor ...
Energy is essential for existence, economic growth and improving quality of life of people. Fossi...