Es ist eines der romantischsten Märchen aller Zeiten: Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung im Jahr 17...
This is the first published version of Beauty and the Beast, written by the French author Gabriel...
This enchanting French fairy tale is a timeless story of true love in the face of adversity and r...
Mesdemoiselles De Marsange, Parties 1-2 (1757) est un roman de Gabrielle Suzanne Barbot de Villen...
Beauty and the Beast is a magical tale of love, understanding, and triumph. Late one night a merc...
The Beauty and the Beast by Madame Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve was first published in ...
James Stephens' collection of Irish Fairy Tales is presented in this beautiful volume alongside g...
Le livre ''Contes De Madame De Villeneuve, Partie 5 (1765)'' est une collection de contes ¿¿¿¿¿cr...
This is the first published version of Beauty and the Beast, written by the French author Gabriel...
Mais, dites-moi; ne pensez-vous pas que je suis très laid?'But, tell me; do you not think I am ve...
'Pero, dime; ¿no crees que soy muy feo?''But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?''Eso es v...
'But, tell me; do you not think I am very ugly?''Ale powiedz mi; Czy nie uwäasz, ¿e jestem bardzo...