Charlie und Bea trennen sich routinemäßig alle paar Wochen und kommen doch nicht voneinander los....
Nach dem Tod seiner Frau - seiner ersten Frau - ist er von London nach Paris gezogen, später mit ...
Jack Tolenado, a Sephardic Jew from Egypt and ex-University lecturer in English is writing a hist...
Too often Bible stories are familiar to us in the simplified version we learnt as children, or th...
In a Hotel Garden is a provocative work by the English novelist once described by Sir Frank Kermo...
Ingilizce edebiyatin yenilikci yazari Gabriel Josipovici, Barnestaki Mezarlik romaninda, esinin ö...
Gabriel Josipovici’s stories play hide and seek with the reader. Whether they take place in a see...
Stunning new novel from the eminent European novelist. A haunting web of love and loss.
In the course of a single extensive interview, this novel recounts the colorful life of a wealthy...
The Teller and the Tale, the latest book from novelist, playwright, biographer and critic, Gabrie...
Josipovicinin zekasi ile yeteneginin daimi hayraniyim. -Muriel SparkJosipovici, Ingilterenin en c...
This personal book explores both the public and the private dimensions of forgetting and its scar...