Kaoru reunites with Reiko and Kyoko, and the trio known as KKR is back together for the first tim...
Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated an...
Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated an...
Times may have changed, but not the trio of girls known as KKR! Kaoru, Kyoko, and Reiko have puni...
The duel to determine the ranks amongst students is underway at the Academy. Shortly after transf...
Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated an...
After rising to Seven Star status faster than anyone else in the history of Academy through his l...
After receiving the power to create any potion she wants, Kaoru is sent off to live her new life ...
'One day, the supervisor in charge of watching over Earth was taking care of a distortion, when t...
War is Hell!Kaoru thought she could save everybody, but no plan survives first contact with the e...
'Let's say you're way too smart, good-looking, and overpowered for your new world. Do you become ...
One day, the supervisor in charge of watching over Earth was taking care of a distortion, when th...