Two rather long-awaited encounters unfold in this installment of Fumi Yoshinaga s heartwarming sl...
In this volume of discovery and acceptance, we learn that happiness depends on small constant ple...
In Eisner-nominated Fumi Yoshinaga’s alternative history of Edo-era Japan, the men of Japan are d...
'A story that is by turns sweet, fascinating, and bitter, seasoned with all of the skill of a tal...
Family, romance, friendship-endless relationships tether us to the people we love. From the Edo p...
From the James Tiptree Award winning author, Fumi Yoshinaga, comes a casual romance between two 4...
From the James Tripee Award Winning author, Fumi Yoshinaga, comes a casual romance between two 40...
Shiro turns down an offer to become a celebrity and Kenji s culinary adventures are reprised in a...
Accomplished home chef though he might be, Shiro proceeds on the assumption that no two of his cu...
As his clients get on in years, Kenji starts offering house call haircuts, which leads to the mos...
Forced to enroll in school one month late after recovering from a serious illness, Harutaro is do...
Shiro finally introduces Kenji to his parents, and when a major case forced him to work long hour...