In the aftermath of 9 11, the potential terror of weapons of mass destruction--from nuclear, biol...
Mystery and science fiction writer Fredric Brown (1906-1972) remains best-known for his short fic...
One of the great pulp writers, Fredric Brown (1906-1972) combined a flair for the horrific, a qui...
1948 Edgar Award Winner!Ed Hunter is eighteen, and he isn't happy. He doesn't want to end up like...
From legendary master Fredric Brown!An ex-newspaperman finds crime going on, based on radio scrip...
Mystery and science fiction writer Fredric Brown (1906-1972) remains best-known for his short fic...
It was the figure of a girl, her arms thrust out to ward off the ripper... her body distorted, ri...
MADBALLIt starts with a bank robbery. That's where the $42,000 comes from. Then the two carnies w...
From legendary master Fredric Brown!An ex-newspaperman finds crime going on, based on radio scrip...
It was the figure of a girl, her arms thrust out to ward off the ripper... her body distorted, ri...
1948 Edgar Award Winner! Ed Hunter is eighteen, and he isn't happy. He doesn't want to end up lik...