After the horror the Cobra unleashed upon Metro City, Paul Sanderson has recuperated, regained hi...
In a world not far removed from our own, a city lies ravaged. Crime overruns its streets, its cit...
This is the never-before-told origin story of The Wraith's arch-nemesis, the Cobra. Who he is, ho...
Two masters of the superhero pulp fiction world, Frank Dirscherl and Bobby Nash, have come togeth...
Now, children of all ages can enjoy the world of The Wraith, his friends and his enemies.A fun...
The Wraith returns in this amazing tale of heroism, deadly evil and horror.With the city back fir...
After a terrorist attack leaves the citizens of Metro City reeling, an enigmatic stranger emerges...
After having been betrayed by crime boss Robert Latham,and defeated by The Wraith, Crossfire has ...
Having gone through ordeal after ordeal, Paul Sanderson (aka The Wraith Dread Avenger of the Unde...
After the horror the Cobra unleashed upon Metro City, Paul Sanderson has recuperated, regained hi...
Having gone through ordeal after ordeal, Paul Sanderson (aka The Wraith Dread Avenger of the Unde...
The never-before-told origin story of The Wraith's arch nemesis the Cobra. Who he is, how he came...