The distinguished Nigerian playwright directed the first performance of this play at the Arts The...
This is an African retelling of Euripides: an unnervingly topical story of a people and a beloved...
The late Dr. Tai Solarin was the Principle and Proprietorof the Mayflower Grammar School at Ikenn...
Profiles theatre companies in Africa working creatively in the context of financial and political...
Contributors examine how international theatre festivals have been organised and how they have af...
Extends the study of China's 'soft power' into theatre studies and looks more widely at syncretic...
This volume features the play Babalawo, Mystery-Master by Agbo Sikuade.
Includes the playscript of Workshop Negative by Cont Mhlanga.
Contemporary African Plays, edited with Introductions by Martin Banham and Jane Plastow of Leeds ...
A key volume for Shakespeare, African theatre and postcolonial cultural scholars, promoting debat...
This volume in the African Theatre series celebrates the African theatrical diaspora from Brazil ...
Directors and collaborators assess and comment on the production of plays by West Africa's Nobel ...