Referentialität, Gemeinschaftlichkeit und Algorithmizität sind die charakteristischen Formen der ...
Die digitale Transformation ist in ihrer Dynamik und ihren Konsequenzen kaum zu fassen. Sie wirkt...
What do a feminist server, an art space located in a public park in North London, a 'pirate' libr...
On the relationship between quantifiable and experiential knowledge as entanglement of multiple t...
Felix Stalder's extended essay, Digital Solidarity, takes it's point of departure from the waves ...
Search engines most obviously Google lie at the heart of our digital lives. Their interfaces seem...
Rund um das Urheberrecht ist eine schrille, unversöhnliche Debatte entbrannt. Bereits an den einf...
Our daily lives, our culture and our politics are now shaped by the digital condition as large nu...
Our daily lives, our culture and our politics are now shaped by the digital condition as large nu...
Mitte der 1990er Jahre ist in Europa eine vielfältige Netzkultur entstanden. Während die US-ameri...
Manuel Castells highly-acclaimed trilogy, The Information Age, represents the most comprehensive ...
Manuel Castells highly-acclaimed trilogy, The Information Age, represents the most comprehensive ...