The Handbook of Forensic Services provides guidance and procedures for safe and efficient methods...
Criminal identification through the use of fingerprints is one of the most valued tools for obtai...
The most recent version of this crucial document, obtained via FOIA with redactions in 2023. Thre...
The information provided by FBI confidential human sources can have great investigative, legal, a...
Overview and Priorities: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigates matters relating ...
1. The United States of America, through its departments and agencies, regulates the activities o...
In response to the Virginia Tech incident on April 16, 2007, former cabinet Secretaries Michael L...
Amtrak is planning to provide high-speed passenger train service at speeds significantly higher t...
This collection presents declassified FBI documents revealing the agency's investigations into UF...
CONTENTSIntroductionThe Identification Division of the FBITypes of Patterns and Their Interpretat...