Evelyn Fox Keller's memoir is the story of a wandering academic, who has managed a long and succe...
Over the past fifteen years, a new dimension to the analysis of science has emerged. Feminist the...
For much of her life she worked alone, brilliant but eccentric, with ideas that made little sense...
Body Politics demonstrates how many of the controversies in modern science involve or invoke the ...
In November 2015, the world powers came together in Paris with the hope of reaching an agreement ...
In a book that promises to change the way we think and talk about genes and genetic determinism, ...
The essays collected here represent Evelyn Fox Keller's attempts to effect a three-way integratio...
'I know of no other publication that offers so concise and cogent an account of what 'nature vers...
In November 2015, the world powers came together in Paris with the hope of reaching an agreement ...
Why are objectivity and reason characterized as male and subjectively and feeling as female? How ...