'Musica Sentimental' carries as subtitle 'Silbidos de un vago', the same as Cambaceres' first nov...
By the end of the 19th century, successive waves of immigration had modified the booming Argentin...
Potpourri was released from press as Eugenio Cambaceres left Buenos Aires for Europe. This circum...
Eugenio Cambaceres was the first to introduce the naturalist manner of ¿ile Zola to Argentinean L...
In Sin rumbo Cambaceres portraits scenes of the Argentine upper class at the turn of the XIX Cent...
In Sin Rumbo (1885), the Argentine novelist Eugenio Cambaceres (1843-1889) offers a graphic portr...
As 'Musica Sentimental' was published the porteño society remarked its originality and its author...
El «Orénoque», de la compañía «MESSAGERIES MARITIMES», acababa de fondear frente a Pauillac con c...
De cabeza grande, de facciones chatas, ganchuda la nariz, saliente el labio inferior, en la expre...
En dos hileras, los animales hacían calle a una mesa llena de lana que varios hombres se ocupaban...