A Century in the North Peace recounts the life and times of an ordinary but remarkable woman, Ann...
My Beloved Wager gathers essays by noted poet and translator Erin Moure, and records a quarter ce...
The latest poetic offering from the doyenne of experimental writing.
In Flesh of Leviathan, Chus Pato alters her cadence to record, in sombre lyric form, the direct a...
In Kapusta, Moure performs silence on the page and aloud, writing 'gesture' and 'voice' to explor...
Erin Mouré's 'west' is not simply an outer landscape framing people's lives; it is an inner lands...
'In this stunning long poem, Chantal Neveu draws from the lexicons of science, art, revolution, a...
'The Unmemntioable' joins letters that should not be joined. There is, in this word, an act of fo...
Reissued for the first time in a handsome A List edition, the Governor General¿s Literary Award¿w...
Poetics. Memoir. SECESSION INSECESSION is an homage to the acts of reading, writing and translati...
Poetry. Expeditions, taken up by the explorers we all are, ultimately cannot be read. Only experi...
A temporary move to Toronto in the winter of 2000, a twisted ankle, an empty house-all inspired M...