Wer in der Begegnung mit Schmerz und Leid ein offenes, freundliches Herz bewahren kann, erlebt me...
Neueste Forschungen belegen, dass Mitgefühl - vor allem mit uns selbst - einer der Schlüsselfakto...
A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: Living with Heart is a step-by-step ...
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Mindfulness involves learning to be more aware of life as it unfolds moment by moment, even if th...
Mindfulness involves learning to be more aware of life as it unfolds moment by moment, even if th...
Hazirlanan bu kitap, yeni bakis acilari sunarak, günlük hayatimizin manzaralari arasinda gezinirk...
Who has never said to themselves: 'I'll never make it...', 'Everything goes wrong', 'I'm incapabl...