Gisela Kaplan's story begins in post-war Germany. She endured many challenges that led to a profo...
Eliza Boom is having a blast. With her best friend (well, dog) Einstein, she's on a mission to ca...
Meet Eliza Boom—assistant inventor, junior spy, and full-on fantastic—as she tells all in this fi...
Eliza Boom—assistant inventor, junior spy, and full-on fantastic—investigates a case of puppy lov...
Eliza Boom Diario #2 El Fiss-Zumm Misterioso
A heartfelt and voice-driven novel with just a touch of magic, Emily Gale's The Other Side of Sum...
Eliza's dog, Einstein, falls for their neighbor's dog, but Mrs. McNice does not seem very nice at...
Eliza Boomun hayati cok renkli cünkü babasiajanlar icin özel aletler yapan bir mucit.Ise yarayaca...