In this chapter we interrogate the debate between mathematicians and mathematics educators. This ...
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This book explicates some of the fundamental philosophical tenets underpinning key theoretical fr...
In this chapter we interrogate the debate between mathematicians and mathematics educators. This ...
This book explicates some of the fundamental philosophical tenets underpinning key theoretical fr...
This book expands the landscape of research in mathematics education by analyzing how the body in...
This book examines the current thinking on five critical social and political areas in mathematic...
O pólen apícola surge quando as abelhas recolhem os grãos de pólen das flores e agregam-no ao cor...
El polen de abeja aparece cuando las abejas recolectan granos de polen de las flores y los añaden...
Bee pollen appears when bees collect pollen grains from flowers and add them to their bodies with...
Bienenpollen entstehen, wenn Bienen Pollenkörner von Blüten sammeln und sie mithilfe von Nektar u...
Le pollen d'abeille apparaît lorsque les abeilles collectent des grains de pollen sur les fleurs ...
Il polline d'api appare quando le api raccolgono i granelli di polline dai fiori e li aggiungono ...