A young woman works as a receptionist in a tired guesthouse on the border between South and North...
When Claires parents arrived in Tokyo, they opened Shiny, a pachinko parlour. Shiny draws people ...
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»Poetisch, zart und geheimnisvoll.« Jury des National Book Awards for Translated Literature 2021....
Nathalie arrives at the circus where she is to design the costumes for a trio of artists who perf...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 13,00 €
'Ein Winter in Sokcho ist ein kleines Meisterwerk.' Jury Robert Walser Preis.Im eiskalten Sokcho,...
A Sokcho, petit port de Corée du Nord, une jeune Franco-Coréenne rencontre un auteur de bande des...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 13,50 €
As if Marguerite Duras wrote Convenience Store Woman-a beautiful, unexpected novel from a debut F...
'It is summer in Tokyo. Claire finds herself dividing her time between tutoring twelve-year-old M...
Güney ve Kuzey Kore arasindaki sinirda yer alan, kisin pek de bir cazibesi olmayan, sogugun her s...