In South East Asia maize-wheat cropping system is important as it remains to be staple part of di...
Due to constant decrement in soil fertility status, the production and productivity of groundnut ...
The changing climate has declined the production of oilseeds by 13.7% and future climate change i...
El cambio climático ha reducido la producción de semillas oleaginosas en un 13,7% y se prevé que ...
A alteração do clima diminuiu a produção de sementes oleaginosas em 13,7% e prevê-se que as alter...
Der Klimawandel hat zu einem Rückgang der Ölsaatenproduktion um 13,7 % geführt, und der künftige ...
Il cambiamento climatico ha fatto diminuire la produzione di semi oleosi del 13,7% e si prevede c...
Le changement climatique a entraîné une baisse de la production de graines oléagineuses de 13,7 %...
The Study was done to assess effect of continuous application of plant nutrients through organic ...