This volume brings together recent research and commentary in secondary school mathematics from a...
A volume in the series The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast: Monograph Seriesin Mathematics Educati...
The teaching and learning of mathematics in Saskatchewan-one of three Canadian provinces sharing ...
This book presents a collection of selected papers that represent the current variety of research...
This book summarizes the vast amount of research related to teaching and learning probability tha...
A volume in The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast: Monograph Series in Mathematics EducationThe teac...
This volume provides a necessary, current and extensive analysis of probabilistic thinking from a...
A volume in the series The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast: Monograph Seriesin Mathematics Educati...
This volume brings together recent research and commentary in secondary school mathematics from a...
This volume provides a necessary, current and extensive analysis of probabilistic thinking from a...
The teaching and learning of mathematics in Saskatchewan-one of three Canadian provinces sharing ...
A volume in The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast: Monograph Series in Mathematics EducationThe teac...