Introducing the Edward Carnell Library(Nine Titles Listed Inside)The Kingdom of Love and the Prid...
Here is a thoughtful and scholarly presentation of one type of contemporary Christian thinking. O...
The Case For Biblical Christianity, in which the full range and development of Carnell's mind is ...
Although the wide influence of Soren Kirkegaard's writings upon modern Christian thought is now g...
Introducing the Edward Carnell Library(Nine Titles Listed Inside)A Philosophy of the Christian Re...
''Here is a clear presentation of the salient features of Niebuhr's thought and, at the same time...
Introducing the Edward Carnell Library(Nine Titles Listed Inside)In Television: Servant or Master...
Introducing the Edward Carnell Library(Nine Titles Listed Inside)Rather than mounting a rational ...
''In pleading for the biblical view of God and the world the author has mustered his materials wi...