When Woodsley, a young English painter, arrives in Barbados and finds no lodging available, he th...
When Woodsley, a young English painter, arrives in Barbados and finds no lodging available, he th...
Telling the tragic story of a young Sylvia Ann Russell, this novel focuses on the dilemmas of a y...
'Amongst the barks of baboons and rustles of hidden creatures a group of town-dwellers confront t...
This compendium of Edgar Mittelholzer's uncollected writings, compiled and edited by Juanita Cox,...
Exploring the complicated landscape of human interaction within the walls of the offices of Essen...
First published in 1941, this vivid and poetic family saga was the first modern novel to focus on...
Portraying the dark, authoritarian side of the utopian dream, this classic novel tells the story ...
Edgar Mittelholzer offers a beautifully written account of his distinctly eccentric Anglo-Germani...