In Taipei, Taiwan, the kidnapping of a Mainlander billionaire throws national media into a tizzy-...
In this thrilling sequel to the highly acclaimed Snakes Can't Run, detective Robert Chow must wre...
Fiction. 'Wonderful.In WAYLAID, Lin has crafted an unforgettable story from the rundown landscape...
This epic of Chinatown Noir is the riveting sequel to This Is a Bust
Set in New York's Chinatown in 1976, this sharp and gritty novel is a mystery set against the bac...
'Both playful and wryly observant, Ed Lin's YA-debut explores coming-of-age in the Asian diaspora...
Welcome to Unknown Pleasures, a food stand in Taipei's night market named after a Joy Division al...
'Ed Lin s Incensed is a stylish, smart thriller for the mind, heart, and gut. Sex, music, history...
'Taipei is rocked by the back-to-back murders of a petty criminal and a police captain just as th...