Vladimir Maz'ya (born 1937) is an outstanding mathematician who systematically made fundamental c...
V nastoyashhem Atlase predstavleny infrakrasnye spektry i spektry yadernogo magnitnogo rezonansa ...
The following is a list of unsolved problems of fundamental physics (local physical kinetics of d...
Presenting a unifying methodology for addressing problems such as outbursts and explosions of met...
V poslednie gody situaciya v fundamental'noj fizike priobrela besprecedentnyj harakter. Slozhilos...
The book complements the author's previous monographs (Generalized Boltzmann Physical Kinetics [E...
Dannaya kniga osnovana na materialah moego bloga. V nej ya rasskazyvaju o mestah, sobytiyah i fak...
The book is a fictional description of the life of Giulio Mazarini (Jules Mazarin as he is known ...
'Hit rays in wording patterns' is the book about implementation of the private methodology for fa...
Die Autorin beherrscht vier verschiedene Sprachen: Englisch, Italienisch, Russisch und Deutsch. S...
The monograph 'Transport processes in Black Matter including the Black Holes. Theory of gravitati...
Around the world, on average, four coal miners die for each million tons of coal recovered. Impro...