Von überall her strömen sie nach Tokio - junge, sexy Girls, die vom glitzernden Glamour im Show B...
The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Gender comprises forty-three innovative essays that offer b...
What happens when white people look at non-whites? What happens when the gaze is returned? Lookin...
Further developing key ideas from the highly acclaimed original book, these essays include guidel...
The first edition of 'Women in Film Noir' (1978) assembled a group of scholars and critics commit...
Based on the Parallel Curriculum Model, this book provides curriculum units in social studies, sc...
Engage students with a rich curriculum that strengthens their capacity as learners and thinkers!E...
Further developing key ideas from the highly acclaimed original book, these essays include guidel...
Featuring 16 field-tested lesson plans, this book presents a high-quality curriculum that helps u...
The first non-stop rock video channel was launched in the US in 1981. As a unique popular culture...
Based on the Parallel Curriculum Model, this book provides curriculum units in social studies, sc...
The year 2006 marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoana...