In Dragons of Romania: Book 1, the ancient Teacher of Dragons, Lumea Veche, and his eager young s...
'Today, dangerous threats to the world shared by Dragons, calls for special teamwork; an unpreced...
Lumea sends Tanarul and his African dragon companion, Ayo, to the jungles and mountains of Peru t...
The Dragon-Human Alliance organizes worldwide teams, including a whole new gathering of legendary...
In Book 3: Star of Doom, Tanarul and Lumea receive a call for help from a remote cave beneath the...
Beyond the vast Transylvanian forests of Romania, hidden deep within undiscovered caves of the ru...
Book 1 in a 6 Book Series.Beyond the vast Transylvanian forests of Romania, hidden deep within un...
In Book 3: Star of Doom, Tanarul and Lumea receive a call for help from a remote cave beneath the...
Beyond the vast Transylvanian forests of Romania, hidden deep within undiscovered caves of the ru...
The 'Dragons of Romania' series is an exhilarating young adult fantasy saga that captivates reade...
The **'Dragons of Romania'** series is an exhilarating young adult fantasy saga that captivates r...