Paradise of the Blind is an exquisite portrait of three Vietnamese women struggling to survive in...
Memories of a Pure Spring is a mesmerizing portrait of modern Vietnam and its people who struggle...
'Reminiscent of All Quiet on Western Front and The Red Badge of Courage. . . .A breathtakingly or...
From the most important Vietnamese author writing today, a powerful, ambitious novel about the th...
Alors qu?elle rentre d?une journée en forêt, Miên, une jeune femme vietnamienne, se heurte à un a...
Quatre intrigues se mèlent autour de l'histoire tragique d'Ho Chi Minh, père spirituel du Vietnam...
La fugue de Thanh, seize ans, plonge dans la stupeur ses parents, un couple de professeurs respec...
In 1975, and in the remote Vietnamese village of Mountain Hamlet, a wounded, penniless veteran, l...
La guerra del Vietnam ha dado lugar a numerosos testimonios: novelas, biografías, ensayos, pelícu...