Trash, Allison's landmark collection, laid the groundwork for her critically acclaimed Bastard Ou...
Since the publication of her groundbreaking novel, Bastard Out of Carolina (1992)Dorothy Allison ...
From the author of the 'flawless' (The New York Times Book Review) classic Bastard Out of Carolin...
Highlighting the tenuous relationship between racial and gendered rhetoric throughout the ninetee...
Bastard Out of Carolina, nominated for the 1992 National Book Award for fiction, introduced Dorot...
'About as close to flawless as any reader could ask for' The New York Times Book Review'For anyon...
'The Writer's Notebook' combines the best craft seminars from the Summer Writers Workshop's histo...
Kocasi ve cocugunun arasinda kalan bir kadinin ve annesini sevmekle ondan nefret etmek arasinda k...
Founded in 1999, 'Tin House's' mission was to create a literary magazine without the stuffy, elit...
The publication of Dorothy Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina was a landmark event that won the au...