The unforgettable debut thriller from Jason Rekulak with a twist you simply will not see coming.....
'After a spill at the science fair turns Stan and Gene invisible, one boy uses his powers for goo...
'Stanley and Gene develop a new plan to be superheroes'
'Stanley and Gene develop a new plan to be superheroes'
In the second installment of this hilarious unlikely-superhero romp,Stanley and Gene master their...
Hilarious childhood biographies and full-color illustrations show how Tiger Woods, Gabby Douglas,...
Cut two eyeholes out of a bed sheet, and BOO! You've scared yourself up a classic Halloween icon....
Hilarious childhood biographies and full-color illustrations show how George Washington, Abraham ...
Relates a seriously bad day in the life of Pennsylvania teenager Kirby Burns, in which he faces d...
Hilarious childhood biographies and full-color illustrations reveal how Leonardo da Vinci, Beatri...
Funny and totally true childhood biographies and full-color illustrations tell the tales from the...
Relates a seriously bad day in the life of Pennsylvania teenager Kirby Burns, in which he faces d...