In groundbreaking fashion Donald Capps builds on Erik Erikson's work on the eight stages of life ...
In Erik Erikson's Verbal Portraits: Luther, Gandhi, Einstein, Jesus, Donald Capps contends that E...
The emotional separation of boys from their mothers in early childhood enables them to connect wi...
This book addresses the fact that Americans tend to live under a considerable amount of stress, t...
All of the Gospels and the whole of Christian tradition depict Jesus as a miraculous healer who c...
What role should the Bible play in pastoral counseling? Donald Capps here explores the use of the...
Using biblical narratives, the Beatitudes and Erick H. Erikson's life cycle theory, Donald Capps ...
The early years of adolescence are a tumultuous time, full of challenges and opportunities that c...
William James called his classic work, The Varieties of Religious Experience, 'a study in human n...
Sinceits founding by Jacques Waardenburg in 1971, Religion and Reason has been a leading forum fo...
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This book marks a major, interdisciplinary step forward in filling the void in the social-psychol...
There is not, and never was, a monolithic masculinity; there are, and always have been, multiple ...