Superhero is the story of a young boy with big dreams and a mask and cape. He dreams every night ...
This comprehensive study guide contains teaching materials for all four of the Sir Kaye the Boy K...
The Watch Cat tells the tale of an ordinary house cat that stops a robbery and becomes a neighbor...
Discover the critical ingredients of raising a healthy and happy child with dyslexia. A Reader's...
The Tortoise and the Hairpiece is the story of a lonely young tortoise named Jake who is embarras...
The notorious General Electric has captured Space Princess Dendra! GARG the robot goes on a secre...
When wicked and heroic knights clash, one ordinary boy uncovers an extraordinary destiny... 'A fa...
Shelby the cat is not a typical cat. He is kind and caring and looks out for all those who are sm...
Kaye and his friends must overturn a rebel knight's conspiracy and discover the truth behind a my...
Chipper only wants to make people laugh. So he packs up his things and joins the circus as a clow...
When wicked and heroic knights clash, one ordinary boy uncovers an extraordinary destiny... 'A fa...
Hidden clues, secret passages, and Kaye in danger of losing his knighthood forever... 'A fun, exc...