My Father's Orchards tells a previously untold story of a Romanian family caught in the crossfire...
In the summer of 1977, seventeen-year-old Mona Manoliu falls in love with Mihai, a green-eyed boy...
This multi-genre anthology is a collection of diverse artistic works ranging from poetry to creat...
The eleven essays making up this book unite scholars from various disciplines to explore how femi...
EXILE ISMY HOME: Four Plays by Domnica Radulescu. Scholar Christine Evans says 'Radulescu's plays...
Though comic women have existed since the days of Baubo, the mythic figure of sexual humor, they ...
Dream in a Suitcase unravels a fast-paced journey of survival, resilience, and the power of love....
Dream in a Suitcase unravels a fast-paced journey of survival, resilience, and the power of love....
MADAME MONDE MADAM WORLD. one-act and short plays by Domnica Radulescu. A collection that feature...
Immigrant Voices in the Pandemic is a powerful collection of stories that showcase how the COVID-...
Immigrant Voices in the Pandemic is a powerful collection of stories that showcase how the COVID-...
SAPPHO'S GARDENby Carol Lee Campbell and Domnica RadulescuThis play in one act is a startling evo...