Grapevine, an important crop in many areas of the Taiwan, is affected by a number of diseases.Gra...
Estuaries are generally defined as semi-enclosed transition zones between river and sea. Saltwate...
The potential impacts of climate change on the estuary and coastal areas includes progressive inu...
Vietnam is one of these countries most heavily affected by climate change. In this context, extre...
Industrial growth has been accompanied by imposed environmental risks all around the world. Becau...
The development of the Measurement-Reporting-Verification (MRV) system for climate change respons...
La vigne, une culture importante dans de nombreuses régions de Taïwan, est affectée par un certai...
La vid, un cultivo importante en muchas zonas de Taiwán, se ve afectada por una serie de enfermed...
A videira, uma cultura importante em muitas zonas de Taiwan, é afetada por uma série de doenças. ...
Grapevine yellow speckle viroid-1 (GYSVd-1) und Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) sind zwei Viroide, von de...
La vite, una coltura importante in molte zone di Taiwan, è colpita da numerose malattie: il Grape...