65 Formularmuster mit Anmerkungen aus den Bereichen ZivilrechtStrafrechtVerwaltungsrechtSteuerrec...
The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law sets out a black letter text of international huma...
Zum WerkDiese seit über 40 Jahren in der Ausbildungspraxis geschätzte Sammlung enthält insgesamt ...
This Handbook provides a black letter text of international humanitarian law, along with case ana...
The volume discusses the legal interpretation and implementation of the three pillars of the Trea...
This third volume of the book series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law focuses on...
The authoritative manual on the applicable international law and best practice in the planning an...
This fifth volume in the book series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law focuses on...
This fourth volume in the book series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law focuses o...
This fifth volume in the book series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law focuses on...
This second Volume in the book Series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law discusses...
This sixth volume of the book series on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law focuses on...