In Recollections of My Life as a Woman, Diane di Prima explores the first three decades of her ex...
Loba is a visionary epic quest for the reintegration of the femimine, hailed by many as the great...
Long regarded as an underground classic for its gritty and unabashedly erotic portrayal of the Be...
The first full-length collection of new poems in decades from San Francisco's groundbreaking femi...
Feminist Beat poet Diane di Prima was born in Brooklyn, New York. She attended Swarthmore College...
Expanded 50th anniversary edition of the City Lights classic of eco-feminist-Zen Beat poetry, fea...
The first bound book of Haiku, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the poems' printing by Herms...
By turns a handbook of countercultural living, a manual for street protest, and a feminist broads...
Quita tu cuello degollado de mi cuchillo