To introduce the implementation of point of care INR monitoring service by community pharmacists ...
The objective of this prospective cross-sectional survey was to assess the knowledge, attitude an...
The efficacy of N. arbortristis as an anticancer agent for HeLa cell lines and L132 cell lines wa...
Optical networks have emerged as a promising candidate for the next-generation communication netw...
Die Studie zielte darauf ab, das Wissen, die Einstellung und die Wahrnehmung von Ärzten und Apoth...
The study was aimed to appraise the knowledge, attitude and perception of physicians and pharmaci...
O estudo visava avaliar o conhecimento, atitude e percepção dos médicos e farmacêuticos em relaçã...
L'étude avait pour but d'évaluer les connaissances, l'attitude et la perception des médecins et d...
Issledowanie bylo naprawleno na ocenku znanij, otnosheniq i wospriqtiq wrachami i farmacewtami ne...
Lo studio aveva lo scopo di valutare la conoscenza, l'atteggiamento e la percezione dei medici e ...
El estudio tenía como objetivo evaluar el conocimiento, la actitud y la percepción de los médicos...
Certain menstrual practices result in adolescent girls being unaware of the sanitary essential fo...