Der vorliegende Band bespricht mit Fallbeispielen sowohl die politisch bedingten Ausdifferenzieru...
In this groundbreaking work on American public policy and human fertility control, policies and p...
Fünf mutige, kluge und selbstbestimmte Frauen stehen im Zentrum von Barbara Millers Dokumentarfil...
This title will help schools incorporate a whole-school, theme-based curriculum that engages stud...
Teaching the lessons of New York's most famous public school, Deborah Meier provides a widely acc...
Beyond Testing describes seven forms of assessment that are more effective than standardized test...
A challenge to narrow, profit-driven conceptions of school success and an argument for protecting...
A challenge to narrow, profit-driven conceptions of school success and an argument for protecting...
An examination of the role of play in the lives of children. Based on close observations of a sch...
Education reformers Deborah Meier, Theodore R. Sizer, and Nancy Faust Sizer have published books ...
How do teachers and schools create meaningful learning experiences for students with diverse skil...
Signed into law in 2002, the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) promised to revolutionize Am...