This anthology showcases ten authors, each contributing unique and powerful narratives that refle...
A magical pearl turns a young girl into warrior without pity… A dragon bound to an amulet ...
A cup of inspiration, a dash of understanding, and a generous serving of wisdom for writers new a...
In an easy-to-use workbook format this publication offers a strengths based, preventative, positi...
In 1985, Deborah J. Ross sold her first Darkover short story to Marion Zimmer Bradley's Free Amaz...
Endre Lovinger was only seventeen years old when the Nazis invaded Budapest, Hungary, in March 19...
Poised on the brink of war, the people of the planet Bandar are stunned by the arrival of a disab...
In today's economically challenging world, it is important to save money in as many ways possible...
Poised on the brink of war, the people of the planet Bandar are stunned by the arrival of a disab...