Can yoga and meditation unleash our inherent supernormal mental powers, such as telepathy, clairv...
This myth-shattering book explains the evidence for the veracity of psychic phenomena, uniting th...
The chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) turns a critical eye toward such p...
An exploration of cutting-edge theories on the electromagnetic basis of consciousness
Fifty-five scientists have contributed amazing results from their years of research to this antho...
Parapsikoloji alaninda yapilan calismalar, sonuclari olumlu olsa bile, halk arasinda pek kabul gö...
Is everything connected? Can we sense what's happening to loved ones thousands of miles away? Why...
The Mathematics of the Science of Reincarnation: The Matrix of Consciousness
Magia real : la sabiduría antigua, la ciencia moderna y los poderes secretos del universo