This anthology is the first of its kind. It brings together a selection of diverse literary mater...
In 1935 MGM Studios embarked on a movie adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz...
Nach der Klärung eines spektakulären Kriminalfalls will der Detective Inspector Lennox von der Po...
An examination of the connections between modernist writers and editorial activities, Making Cana...
Translocated Modernisms focuses on the other lost generations of expatriates from modernism's glo...
Previously collected, uncollected, and unpublished poems of Canadian modernist poet Annie Wilkins...
Based on extensive new archival and literary historical research, Editing Modernity examines thes...
Editing as Cultural Practice in Canada focuses on the varied and complex roles that editors have ...
The Canadian Modernists Meet is a collection of new critical essays on major and rediscovered Can...
They Don''t Think They''re Gonna Let You Stay in the Film Business Performers deals with masculin...